
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Resources and Their Recruiting Medium

I. Introduction to Online Recruiting There are several methods used by employees to recruit job applicants. Human resource recruiters can use traditional methods such as posting a job listing in a newspaper or hire an employment agency to search for job applicants. They may also choose to communicate with career office employees at universities and colleges to attract candidates, use networking methods at professional organizations, advertise in newspapers or on television, or use more recent recruiting sources such as the internet to find potential future employees. Recruiting job seekers over the Internet is a recent trend that allows organizations to successfully hire qualified applicants to join their corporation's workforce at a low cost compared to some other recruiting procedures. In recent times, many firms advertise job opportunities by placing a job posting on the Internet for external job hires. Some companies even use the Intranet to hire employees internal to the organization. The Intranet is used for internal recruiting purposes within a company and is a system that allows employees to view job openings at the company they currently work for. Through both the Internet and Intranet, job applicants can view the available positions and submit their resumes online. Employees can review several resumes and follow up by contacting candidates for interviews. Job recruiting over the Internet allows candidates and corporations a chance to connect. Online recruiting is a fast growing, popular service of the World Wide Web that many organizations are using for recruiting purposes. The employment industry has taken a big step towards recruiting in cyberspace. Applicants can be quickly located and recruited to join a team at a corporation. â€Å"Recruiting is the process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs.† (Mathis and Jackson, pg. 70) Recruiting over the Internet is not a replacement for traditional methods like radio advertising, newspaper listings, networking or attending career fairs, but is becoming very popular in our society. It is a good resource when an applicant is in search of a career opportunity. Lately, many newspapers place their job ads online for job seekers to view. Electronic advertising is a method of recruiting that corporations should consider when searching for qualified applicants to fill an opening in an organization. Companies should use this tool to attract qualified people. It is very important to recruit productive, trustworthy employees that will fit in the corporation's cultural environment and help the company achieve the established goals. Employees should follow the mission of the organization and work to help the business succeed. People, our human resources, need to be trained to meet these corporate goals. It is very costly to hire an employee that steals from the business or leaves the company after several training and recruiting dollars have been spent. Human resource managers want to obtain people that can grow with the company and are motivated employees. Electronic recruiting can be used to find employees with these skills. â€Å"The net has spawned a national marketplace for professional, managerial, and technical jobs.† (â€Å"Life on the web†) In the book, Smart Strategies, the author suggests you consider five approaches if you want to recruit online. First, you should â€Å"create your own web page on which you describe your company and list your employment needs.† Many organizations use this resource for applicants already interested in the company to view. It is also important to use an online headhunter for specialized or hard-to-find positions. Make sure the headhunter has a good reputation and is experienced in this field. Next, use search engines to locate applicants. The employer can simply type in a keyword such as accounting to narrow the search. Also, post your job listing on a Usenet newsgroup. Last, communicate with applicants through listserves. This means that you can specify your job openings and users are allowed to narrow their field of search. An applicant may search by state, company name, job title, or qualifications for the position. As you can see, subscribers receive a list on a specific topic of interest through electronic mailings. â€Å"The Internet opens a whole new world to the recruiting process. Online recruiting is definitely an employment tool of the future for companies of all sizes.† (Outlaw, pg. 80) Career sites such as The Monster Board allow individuals with various interests an opportunity to place their resumes online. â€Å"About 45 percent of the 50,000 jobs on The Monster Board are for one sort of technician or another, about 20 percent of the listings involve product management and development, and roughly 35 percent are completely nontechnical, such as marketing and retailing positions.† (Maynard, pg. 2) Large employers and smaller organizations use the Internet to find a person to fill a vacancy at their company. Roberta Maynard says, â€Å"about 70% of the companies recruiting on The Monster Board have under 50 employees.† Also, â€Å"the latest statistic revealed 1 million resumes online, 1.2 million jobs offered, 3,500 employment Web sites and 5,800 recruiting companies online in 1996, according to Internet Business Network's 1997 Electronic Recruiting Index.† (Wells, pg.1) More recent data probably indicates more resumes entered online, more jobs offered through this method, and an increase in organizations specializing in this area. This method of recruiting is becoming very popular for businesses to use. III. Advantages to the Job Candidates There are several benefits to candidates who use computerized services to find a job position. Many college graduates and professionals take advantage of Electronic Search Firms such as Online Career Center, CareerPath, CareerBuilder, and JobCenter to search for employment opportunities or view the websites of corporations they are interested in. One popular online database system is Careermosaic and can be found at the web address http://www.careermosaic.com where users can enter their resume for companies to review. Web sites such as Careermosaic offer advantages to the applicant by as giving the candidate the ability to gather information on organizations and various job opportunities, send out mass quantities of resumes to be viewed by several employers, state geographic preferences, and enjoy cost savings benefits for the applicant. Job candidates also save a tremendous amount of time using this method compared to other job hunting processes, may be able to look for internal jobs, and might find a site that allows them to look for a position by area of specialty or interest. A. Information Gathering on Organizations and Various Job Opportunities Applicants can read about current positions and jobs that have been listed for awhile and find out the necessary qualifications for the career opportunity. The candidate may even have a chance to view the salary given for a particular position. This system is very easy to use to locate a job position. Also, it is fairly easy to research a company to find background information to enhance interview preparation, areas of expertise, and job postings over the internet and apply for a position that interests you. Some websites even allow you to scan your resume instead of typing it in to apply for potential future employment opportunities. B. Mass Quantities of Resumes Viewed Many recruiters can view your resume by simply placing it on one of these popular sites. It would take a lot of time to send each employer you resume through another method. The candidate can choose a resume web site to submit their resume and wait for organizations to contact them when there is a possible fit for a job position. The ideal geographic location as well as other preferences can be listed on the online resume. For example, a candidate in Michigan graduating from Michigan State University may search for a job position in California and find out the responsibilities for the job, qualifications needed for the position, and which facility is hiring. When the candidate is viewing employment opportunities he or she can look for jobs in a desired location. Placing your resume online and searching company websites is free of charge so the candidate can benefit from cost savings over traditional methods of job searching. It can be very expensive to purchase high quality paper and envelopes as well as stamps to send a company your resume and cover letter. The electronic method also is less expensive compared to fax machines for long distance calls. This automated hiring process speeds up the procedure for both the employee and employer. The submitted resumes can be processed very quickly. You don't have to wait as long as it would take a typical resume submitted by mail to get into the hands of a human resource recruiter. By placing your information on the Internet, you can save time compared to the time that would be spent on the more traditional methods of sending resumes and cover letters. For example, a computer company in Dallas could place an advertisement for a job on their website or through another service over the Internet. A candidate can view the opening and express his or her interest immediately instead of waiting a few days for a mailed resume to reach the employer. For internal employees searching for a new job in their current place of employment they may have the option of using the Intranet for internal transfers within a company. According to Samuel Greengard, for HR groups today, the most action is on corporate Intranets, which allow secure Web-based communication within a company. Employees that work for an organization and wish to look for an opening in another department or a different position in the area they are currently working in can review the job postings internal to the company on the intranet if the firm has established this service. Dave Taylor, author of â€Å"Hire the best with internet, intranet resume databases,† believes companies can keep their competitive edge by designing a job database on your intranet to help retain employees, move them into their ideal position, and lower the cost of hiring. There are Career Sites that are designed primarily for applicants with certain backgrounds. For example, an applicant interested in being a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or physician's assistant can search for a job on the Medical Economics Online site. Someone wanting a job in a field like Information Systems can locate a search company that specializes in this area. Candidates can sort through jobs by geographic area, by job type such as marketing or accounting, by company name, or other desired preferences to specify an interest. A job applicant will enjoy the benefits of searching numerous positions that fit their credentials from home or at work. There are also several advantages to the employer that recruits employees online. The recruiter will realize they have a wide audience to reach over the Internet for available job openings and save time compared to other recruiting methods. They may also enjoy the benefit of saving money in this area, can get feedback to find out how many candidates have viewed the job opportunity, and bring attention to the organization. The human resource person also has the ability to sort through resumes submitted to their department, can find a person interested in a specific location to work, and enjoys the benefit of managing the large amounts of resumes received. The Human Resource recruiter discovers the benefit of reaching a wide audience by having a good advertising distribution through electronic websites. This means that the ad for the job position reaches many applicants all over the world. It would take a lot of time to place advertisements on television, in many local papers, or on the radio in several locations to find a suitable individual for a job. Advertisements placed over the Internet tend to reach greater numbers of people. Reaching a wide volume of people is an important factor to many recruiters. A recent term used by some corporations is Just in Time Recruiting (JITR) which brings the candidates to employers at the time that the company needs to hire someone. (Electronic Recruiting News, pg.1) This is very helpful when a company needs a replacement for an employee that left the corporation suddenly or a departmental need is realized. The employer can receive many resumes within hours of a job opening rather than waiting weeks to get resumes in the mail or through fax machines. Applicants can be found in cyberspace within a short time period. One of the most important advantages to the employer looking for possible hires online is the cost savings aspect of this recruiting method. Recruiting over the Internet costs much less than the typical methods of recruiting like advertising in a newspaper. This allows companies an opportunity to slash costs that are spent on recruiting. In comparison, a typical ad placed in a newspaper has a fee of versus an average cost of to place a listing on the Internet. â€Å"Web recruitment sites are free to the searcher, and the employer typically pays $2,000 to $2,500 a month to advertise as many as 100 job openings.† (â€Å"Life of the Web†) The cost to advertise on commercial sites will vary depending on what services the company offers and how long the posting is listed. Some of these sites want to increase the size of their database and do not charge for the service. â€Å"Those that do set fees typically charge $25 to $150 per job listing, with the duration of listings averaging four weeks.† (Maynard, pg. 3) There are some companies that offer the benefit of unlimited postings but charge an annual rate. Dr. Jim Jones from Colombia/HCA, Trident Medical Center said in his round table discussion with our Human Resource Management class that his department uses the internet at times to recruit employees to the hospital and it only costs about $20 a job posting. This is a small amount for such a large hospital. He has found some successful candidates using this method of recruiting employees. In an article on the topic of online recruiting there is a good example given about a Human Resource employee's experience using this method of attracting applicants and the benefits of this procedure. It says, â€Å"West decided to pay $125 for a classified ad listing that ran for 60 days with an Internet recruiting service. She not only found the right person to fill the job but also saved her company money – a weekend ad in her local paper would have cost three times as much.† (Maynard, pg. 1) â€Å"Some sites offer feedback to the employer, such as tracking the number of resumes that a given job listing generates.† (Maynard, pg. 3) The human resource individual can simply go into the site they posted a job on and look to see how much interest the position has received. Companies can stand out by putting more detail in their listings and can even create their own website to discuss their products and services as well as other corporate characteristics. Corporations should not assume applicants know to go to their website to find a position for future employment but can use their website to advertise job postings. Companies need to bring the individuals looking for employment to their site to use these features. An organization may go through an Electronic Search Firm to attract people to their business. The organization can match an applicant with the desired qualifications to the position. They can simply type in keywords to identify applicants with the necessary skills. â€Å"Adding a section composed entirely of keywords is useful because employees often search resumes for specific skills on a keyword basis.† (Martin, pg. 1) This can be very beneficial to both the recruiter and the job candidate. The Human Resource employee can search through several resumes and choose candidates that match the description of the job. The applicants could have a technical background since they are using a computer source to find a job. Employers have realized applicants in many fields use this service. The resumes are collected and entered into a database that allows employers to search through, store, and sort for keywords or by job type. Recruiters can use sites to search through resumes such as The Monster Board, which is an established service that several job seekers use to find employment and is located at http://www.monster.com. G. Geographic Location Specification If a company chooses to interview international applicants from other countries, the recruiting online method works because it reaches people all over the world. Recruiters can look through resumes to find candidates interested in working in a specific city in a country or even overseas. Online recruiting gives employers the benefit of managing the mass quantities of resumes received. It can be very overwhelming for a human resource representative at a large company to place applicants in various areas and have to read many resumes received for a particular position that may not fit the qualifications the company is looking for in a job candidate. Global Computer News, â€Å"GCN says the office now takes between 8000 and 10,000 applications over a four-day period without being overwhelmed.† (Appleton, pg. 4) V. Things to Consider When Applying Online Although, there are many benefits to recruiting online, there are also some things you should consider when applying for an opportunity at an organization through this method. You should consider the fact that you are only a name or number in a database and do not have personal contact with a recruiter at a company. It is important to differentiate yourself from other candidates. â€Å"Industry experts indicate that job candidates must still differentiate themselves even if a resume is delivered by fax or E-mail.† (Vitello, pg. 1) Some applicants chose to follow up with a phone call to introduce themselves to a representative of the corporation they are trying to work for. Also, remember your current employer may have access to the Internet if you wish to keep your job searching to yourself. There can be a risk to submitting your resume over the net. â€Å"On those databases, resumes can be just as easily accessed by a present employer as any other.† (Bergstrom, pg. 3) â€Å"Sending highly personal resume information electronically involves security risks.† (Appleton, pg. 1) It is not always the applicants with great qualifications that search the web either. Human resource employees at some corporations may not use the Internet to recruit employees so applicants may not be able to use this source in all situations. Not everyone has technological skills. A disadvantage for the job candidate that wants to apply for employment opportunities online is that they don't always know where to go to submit their resume. Another thing to consider when putting your credentials online is that the user of a career site should make sure they have the option to make edits to the resume they submit online. Jeff Walker, Major Accounts Receivable Manager from Automatic Data Processing (ADP) discussed the topic of electronic recruiting at the Society of Human Resource Management Association meeting on June 15, 1999. He said ADP does recruit employees over the Internet and can offer this opportunity to other companies interested in using this method. Mr. Walker believes the costs of recruiting are increasing and organizations should use the electronic recruiting methods to help locate candidates that match the skills needed for the job position. The web has a wide reach of potential applicants, can offer faster access to information on candidates, and is convenient. Employers like internet recruiting because it gives â€Å"faster results via electronic medium, has access to new talent base, cost less than traditional methods, is easy to integrate existing technologies with recruiting methods, and provides quality candidates.† (Jeff Walker Presentation to SHRM, June 15, 1999) Nancy , a Human Resource recruiter from Mecosa, located on Daniels Island, says their company is starting to think about recruiting job applicants online but is focusing on other important issues currently. She does wish to recruit over the Internet but it will take some time before the company is ready to step into this area. A guest at the SHRM meeting, Deborah Coleman, a human resource employee from Berkeley – Dorchester EDC has used this process to find employees a few times. Clint and Maxine from Williams Technology in Summerville, South Carolina have used this recruiting method to find a few employees but have not used this process extensively. Many companies realize there are many benefits to recruiting employees online but most organizations using this procedure currently are large businesses or smaller companies that have available resources. For example, Allison Dennis, from Santee Cooper does use electronic recruiting to locate potential applicants and enjoys the be nefits of the process. Although there are some things to consider when using online recruiting methods for hiring or job searching purposes, many individuals and corporations enjoy the advantages of electronic recruiting to find employment opportunities or to place an individual in a job opening. Online recruiting is a way to recruit job candidates that has been growing in popularity in our society and probably will continue to be used by many organizations to find qualified applicants for job openings. It has been a successful procedure for human resource recruiters all over. I. Introduction to Employee Selection Tests When deciding on hiring a job applicant or not there are various tests we might decide to administer to the individuals to access their potential for a job opening. We may consider the accuracy and usefulness of the different options to screen employees including selection exams. Also, many question the validity of these tests when deciding on administering them or not to jobseekers. If used correctly the various selection tests can provide useful information on candidates to an organization. â€Å"Proper selection can minimize the costs of replacement and training, reduce legal challenges and result in a more productive workforce.† (Ranner, pg. 1) Many think the popularity of these exams is growing and more corporations are administering these tests to prospects of employment. Employers would like to predict which candidates would be successful if offered a position with the company so they use selection tests. â€Å"Some employers purchase prepared tests, whereas others develop there own.† (Mathis & Jackson, pg. 79) Blackbaud does use various selection tests such as There are several selection tests that employers give to potential candidates to access their potential as future employees. Employers may use skills tests such as math or computer exams, genetic screening, drug and alcohol tests, handwriting analysis, medical exams, and psychological or personality tests to select employees. They may also choose to give honesty and written integrity exams, emotional intelligence exams, and AIDS tests to determine if the individual will receive a job at a company. Many organizations give skills exams like math tests or computer examinations to determine the capabilities of a potential employee. Often times clerical exams or another type of knowledge test is given to determine the applicant's skills. The employer needs to know this information to decide if it is worth training an applicant that lacks some abilities for the job or hire an individual who can perform the given duties. If the exam relates to the job responsibilities than employers should not worry about being sued for asking job seekers to take a skills test. A recent trend in corporations is to perform genetic screening before deciding to hire an individual. These tests can explain the background of the applicant. This screening process can â€Å"identify individuals who are hypersensitive to harmful pollutants in the workplace.† (Schuler and Huber, pg. 251) These employees can be placed in other positions that are not hazardous to their health if it is determined there is a risk. There is a debate over the ethics of using this method to screen applicants for a job. â€Å"Believe it or not, some big companies are using gene testing to screen out job applicants vulnerable to expensive and debilitating diseases.† (Cronin, pg. 1) Many organizations use drug and alcohol screening to eliminate hiring employees that may not be productive because of bad habits. It is important to employ individuals that do not have problems of substance abuse. Often times, employees with drug or alcohol addictions come to work late, are not motivated, and do not perform their job responsibilities adequately. â€Å"Drug studies have been done to help indicate problems that may occur with people that have drug problems. These studies indicate that a single pre-employment drug test can differentiate groups of persons at higher risk for certain poor job behaviors.† ( ) Many applicants expect to be tested for drugs and know methods to pass these exams so organizations should be aware of this possibility. â€Å"Preplacement tests are administered after a company makes a job offer contingent upon a clean result.† (Cronin, pg.4) Candidates should fill out a questionnaire before tested for drug usage because prescription drug use can show up in the laboratory results. A sample of urine, hair, or blood can be taken from the prospective employee to identify possible drug usage. The accuracy of drug tests varies according to the type of test used, the item tested, and the quality of the laboratory where the test samples are sent.† (Mathis and Jackson, pg.82) Companies that provide care-giving services usually test for drug usage because employees need to be prepared to respond to emergencies. Several organizations administer these exams to their employees. Handwriting analysis (graphology) is useful if the expert predicting it is experience in interpreting handwriting samples. The candidate may be asked to write a one -page summary on why they would be a good fit for the job and signs it at the bottom. This procedure only takes about ten minutes but will be analyzed also to determine the analysis of the handwriting. Handwriting exams are inexpensive, simple, and can reveal a lot about the personality of an applicant. There is a fee of about $150 for a two-page evaluation of a person's handwriting. A behavioral style analysis in the shorter versions runs for a cost of around $90-$150 for a two-page evaluation. As far as handwriting analysis in business, â€Å"In the selection of personnel, handwriting analysis is an invaluable tool for helping to choose the most suitable person for the job.† â€Å"For job seekers handwriting analysis provides an added bonus in that it requires no painful or embarrassing interview which a sensitive candidate is likely to see as an invasion of privacy.† Medical exams might be given to employees during the screening process. â€Å"After you make an offer, you can, under federal law, require a complete head-to-toe physical and access to all medical records.† (Michael P. Cronin, pg.4) In the United States, eleven of the states limit the use of this medical information to job-related needs. There is a high cost to the employer to give physical exams to potential employees so this is often done after other screening procedures are completed. â€Å"According to the Uniform Guidelines, physical examinations should be used to screen out applicants when the results indicate that job performance would be adversely affected.† (Huber and Schuler, pg. 250) â€Å"The Americans with Disability Act prohibits a company from rejecting an individual because of a disability and from asking job applicants any questions relative to current or past medical history until a conditional job offer is made.† (Mathis and Jackson, pg.82) These exams are valid if the physical characteristics of the candidate are essential to the job responsibilities. The American and Disabilities Act prohibits companies with more than 15 employees to ask questions about a candidates medical conditions before a job offer is given. Employers need to have a valid reason for not hiring someone based on a medical exam. F. Psychological or Personality Examinations Psychological or personality examinations may be given during the selection of future employees process. An exam may be used as a personality tool and could give results such as showing how aggressive a future sales representative will act. Companies may screen for emotional disorders but organizations should be careful because these tests should only be used for employees that work in security positions only because you don't want an employee that is considered dangerous to have a gun. The federal government in 1988 banned lie-detector tests and psychological tests became popular. These exams can test for an applicant's propensity to steal. They are used to look for emotional disorders in job candidates.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Knowledge-based systems Essay

We tabulated the required sample size n and the corresponding critical acceptance value [c. sub. 0] for various [alpha]-risks, [beta]-risks, and the capability requirements AQL, LTPD. The results obtained in this paper are useful to the practitioners in making reliable decisions. For illustrative purpose, we demonstrated the proposed method by presenting a case study on liquid-crystal module (LCM) manufacturing process to evaluate the process performance. Here could be many decision problems in which decision-makers have different interests in reaching certain objectives. A useful decision support system which has interesting characteristics is presented here: it allows each decision-maker to learn individually how to move around the efficient frontier and, interact anonymously, in a progressive manner, with the other members of the group to impel the process toward his interests, or to back down before the other decision-makers’ interests, to end up in a balanced decision that satisfies all the members of the group. (Sethi, & King 2001) The system presented here has the role of an impartial and trustworthy facilitator that enables the group to reach their objectives in an appropriated time, manages it, questions it and makes proposals. The system can rapidly synthesize information and judgments and effectively reflect back the tentative outcomes to decision-makers. It generates understanding, learning and creativity. (Edwards 2004) This process can drive certain members of the group to strongly bias the decisions towards their own interests, by proposing solutions that exceed their goals so that in a negotiation process they can diminish their aspirations to reach their individual true goals. In the proposed methodology several options were included that diminish the vulnerability of the process to radical proposals. These options induce the decision-makers to express their real preferences and not those that would allow them to manipulate the decision. The proposed methodology allows autonomy and privacy in the decisions of each member of the group. It improves the participation of all decision-makers and avoids pressures by other members. It allows that decision-makers have different importance within the process, and it also includes a weighting system that can be defined by a consultative procedure. (Tan, & Benbasat 2003) References Adelman, L. (2001). Handbook for evaluating knowledge-based systems: Norwell, MA: Kluwer. Anderson, E. E. , & Chen, Y. (2006) Microcomputer software evaluation: An econometric model. Decision Support Systems. 19 (2), 75-92. Adelman, L. (2005). User and R&D specialist evaluation of decision support systems: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. (SMC-15)2, 334-342. Balasubramanian, P. (1999) Managing process knowledge for decision support: Decision Support Systems. 27 (1-2), 145-162.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 192

Assignment Example Thus, designers such as Dior Homme, Raf Simons and Thom Browne started the slim-fit trend to accommodate this shift in clothing culture. Brand also played a huge role in shifting clothing customer preference. As the shift to slim-fit clothing was started by high-end fashion designers, consumers felt compelled to follow this changing trend due to the prestige and loyalty they owed to the brand. With this saw the rise in sales of slim-fit clothing in America. Being market leaders in the fashion world, other designers followed suit as competition is an essential component in coming up with a products marketing plan (Perruault, 154). Retailers and clothing wholesalers were soon in competition in marketing this new fashion trend and saw the slim-fit style being replicated across all men’s clothing, from suits to polo shirts. The result of this style shift was products being snugger to big-bodied men. Big-bodied men ended up being alienated. The consequence of this was the creation of a whole new market segment. Designers, retailers and wholesalers could produce slim-fitting products that are marketed to muscled or big-bodied consumers. Market decision making is largely influenced by the product. A marketing plan would try and differentiate a product in order to reach a larger segment of the market. Retailers such as Ralph Lauren with their Polo brand offers custom fit polo shirts which are roomier amid their array of slim-fit polo shirts. Most retailers are currently trying to produce clothing that is slim-fitting but roomy. The market movement by large retailers and wholesalers indicates the potential growth in sales they can experience in marketing slim-fit clothing to big-bodied consumers. The  efforts of these retailers to offer slim-fit clothing options may be hampered by efforts of high-end designers such as Calvin Klein. The fashion icon has in recent years tried to bring voluminous clothes back in fashion. This

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Surgical Safety and the Highly Reliable Surgical Team Essay

Surgical Safety and the Highly Reliable Surgical Team - Essay Example The main goals are: improve safety of surgical patients undergoing procedures at Kaiser Permanente, Fresno and improvement of surgical safety attitudes of both physicians and OR staff resulting in an environment that will decrease risk to patients undergoing surgical intervention and further maintain a "no never events" record. The purpose of this thesis is to develop alternative methods to ensure 100% compliance with the use of a surgical briefing; exceeding the requirements of Joint Commission's "Universal Protocol" (The Joint Commission , 2009) by OR staff members and physicians utilizing the surgery department at Kaiser Permanente Fresno, California. Although surgical safety is more than a local challenge, only addressing individual behaviors and habits at a local level can raise the threshold to decrease significant surgical mishaps. Kaiser Permanente OR staff and surgeons are comprised of very well seasoned and experienced caregivers. As new concepts come to light, it can be challenging for those individuals to perceive the benefit of incorporating what is viewed as unnecessary, time consuming and laborious steps to prevent errors when they may not have had any personal history of such errors. Kaiser Permanente is a very complex, highly structured healthcare system and as such, has a high degree of formalization within the organization. This is can be seen demonstrated throughout the local, regional, national offices and medical centers. In addition Kaiser Permanente is comprised of three distinct businesses: Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and their subsidiaries (KFH), and the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) which are both n ot for profit corporations. The Permanente Medical Group (TPMG) which consists of eight separate physician groups, is a for profit enterprise. Kaiser Permanente has 37 Medical Centers and 400 medical offices nationally. Northern California is their largest region, which accounts for 20 Medical Centers. Kaiser Permanente Fresno has 5 distinct medical office buildings (MOB) located between Selma and Oakhurst California. The Fresno Medical Center has a complement of 169 licensed beds, 8 surgical suites with an additional 2 labor and delivery suites. The facility provides both inpatient and ambulatory surgical care, which is facilitated by 200 physicians, 500 plus nurses, along with 80 medical support staff, servicing 108,000 members. There is currently a goal to integrate and adopt all regional job descriptions at the local levels. There are national, regional, as well as local policy and procedures covering many

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Identify and Discuss the Change of Activity and Costs Structure within Essay

Identify and Discuss the Change of Activity and Costs Structure within the Supply Chain ifLB Looked to a Third Party Logistics - Essay Example This paper examines critical issues related to Lauritzen Bulkers - LB, one of the leading dry bulk shipping firms in the world with its head quarters in Netherlands (Wolf, 2008). The paper first presents a brief literature review about SCM and then it discuses the change of activity and costs structure within the supply chain if LB looked to a third party logistics provider to supply their transport needs. The paper also examines the extent to which this would impact LB gaining ISO 14000 recognition. LB is a very large shipping company that owns a large number of carriers and it has taken up partnerships with other shipping firms and uses third party logistics. As per the annual report (LB, 2011), by 2011, LB controlled through its owned assets and with those of its network partners, 100 ships of different sizes such as Handymax, Handysize, Capesize and Panamax bulk carriers. Through its subsidiary Lauritzen Kosan, LB controlled a combined fleet of 44 semi-refrigerated ships. Gas car riers for Ethylene, fully pressurised gas carriers, and several smaller refrigerated gas carriers. The firm also controlled 2 numbers very large oil carriers, DP shuttle tankers, and 18 MR product tankers. 2. Literature Review An efficient supply chain can reduce costs, increase efficiency and help to retain customers. Organisations across the world have come to depend on supply chains to service their production lines, fill customer orders and retail shelves. Some important aspects of SCM are discussed in this chapter. 2.1. Nature of supply chains and networks A critical review of Hugos (2011), supply chain management is not merely about picking items from one point and dropping it to another. It is more about estimating demand correctly, understanding the lead-time for procurement and then placing the order for manufacturing. If the lead-time estimation is excessive, then inventory is more and lead to excessive costs while lesser lead-time means the risk of stock out. There is als o the economic order that indicates the minimum quantity required in a shipment. Shipping and logistics firms are integrated with the operations of large buyers so that efficiency is maintained, the quality of service is prompt and reliability of service is unfailing. 2.2. Cost structures in Supply Chains Supply chain analytics often focus on reducing cost structures of the supply chain. This is mainly done because in a procurement cycle, other than the basic product cost, the cost of the supply chain makes up a major component of the cost. The percentage of cost varies from 35% to 55% of the product costs. For perishable items such as dairy products, meat and poultry products, livestock, the costs are more than 67%. Much depends on the distance travelled, the nature of product, pressure for on time delivery, possibility of wastage and loss and other factors (Deloitte, 2012). A critical review of Xia (2003) shows that some of the cost structures in an organisation are inventory carr ying costs, production costs, inspection costs, logistics costs, transportation and handling costs, storage costs, onward forwarding costs and other costs due to delays in berthing, availability of shipping and so on. Some of the costs are borne by the organisation while some are borne by the

Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Free writing journal - Essay Example He was rich. He had a great a education. From the description of the speaker, we can assume that Richard Cory was also a very popular man who knew how to fairly treat people. Richard Cory was our dream. The characteristics that were presented in the poem indicates that there is much more than what we see from people we encounter everyday. We may not know it but our tough boss or our friendly traffic cop could have had a very bad childhood experience that tainted their view of the world as they were growing up. We would only see the outward appearance of the person and what they would like to portray. This shows that we all have masks, just like Richard Cory. That is why everyone was surprised when he committed suicide. We have different experiences, expectations and perspectives about our lives. But what is common between each one of us is the need for us to keep some things private. We choose what who we are in the eyes of other people. That is exactly the reason we should not judge anyone. And we should not assume that someone is happy or sad just because of what they are showing you. It’s just sad that we make the same mistake over and over. We never learn. Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy is about a girl who struggled to meet the social expectations of beauty. She was so obsessed with the idea of being beautiful that she was willing to sacrifice her own life just to achieve it. We are born with our natural beauty. But as we grow older, we are faced with the different expectations of beauty. Some societies see beauty as fair or white skin, high cheekbones and pointed nose. A slim figure is also another expectation of beauty. When you are heavy or fat or dark skinned or with thick curly hair, you are not a part of the beautiful circle in the society. Since we come from different societies, we have different expectations. It is a sad thing, though, to find a society that puts great bearing on the physical appearance of girls.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Faith, religion and theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Faith, religion and theology - Essay Example The theme of equality before God is evident in the case young blind man. According to the Jews, the blind man’s condition is attributed to some curse excluding him as a valuable member of the society, the Samaritan woman gives Jesus who is Jews water against their norms showing the theme of love beyond boundaries. 4. The heresy refers to violations of important religious teachings. It is the rejection of the teachings of the Catholic Church. It says that denying any of the doctrines that are the teachings of Christ is to deny the faith of Christ. Irenaeus of Lyons was opposed to heretics because the knowledge of the apostles came after the resurrection of Christ and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. 5. Synoptic gospels are Mark, Luke, and Mathew since they have similar stories and sequence. The synoptic problems refer to the question of the precise nature of their literary relationship. It seeks to address what order the synoptic was written and did the authors of the latter tex ts use the earlier gospels as directed by their literary sources. The Marcan priority views that the gospel of Mathew and Luke used gospel mark a hypothetical document Q as their source.This shows that Mark was written first and then Mathew and Luke was extracted primarily from it. The synoptic gospels are similar to each other, but each still contains its uniqueness. This is known as the triple tradition. The double problem is the passages shared between Mathew and Luke, which comprises of parables and sayings.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Difference in athletic funding behind women's sports in the ACC Research Paper

Difference in athletic funding behind women's sports in the ACC conference and NCAA - Research Paper Example The ACC is acknowledged to be one of the six university power gatherings, all of which appreciate impressive media scope and immediate fitting the bill for their football champion into the Bowl Championship Series (BCS). With the appearance of the College Football Playoff in 2014, the ACC will be one of five gatherings with a contractual tie-into a "right to gain entrance bowl", the successors to the BCS (Adams, 2004). My present objectives for this research are to uncover the different wellsprings of subsidizing for the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and the National Collegiate Association (NCAA), the challenges that this two real affiliations confront and how they can beat their everyday issues regarding operation and part enlistment, financing and extension arranges and methodology. My present contention here is that these two companionships might as well accept the time and consideration that they merit by the neighborhood government to lure more young people, offer more grants and fiscal support to learners consequently making them succeed towards the right way. Literature Review Consistent with a report recorded by Boston College in agree-ability with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, varsity male sports members appropriated $1.7 million progressively in physically identified understudy help than female members did throughout the 2011-12 season, notwithstanding there being one and only more male than female member. This hole brings about male competitors gaining a normal of $25,000 yearly, while female jocks get a normal of $20,000 every twelve-months (Heights Editorial Board, 2013). Although from the start, it look like this student aid appears to be alarmingly vast, in examination with comparable schools, it is less so. For instance, at the University of Miami, male jocks on normal gain $39,000 every twelve-months, while female players accept just $30,000 yearly, a crevice of $9,000 in correlation to Bc's hole of about $5,000. At Wake Forest Univ ersity, the hole is about $6,000 energetic about ladies (Heights Editorial Board, 2013). These schools are less great in keeping the amount of male and female members equivalent, then again. At Wake Forest, there are 238 male sports members and just 124 female members. Duke University has a crevice of just about $2,000, however correspondingly to Wake Forest has a vast hole in members 374 men to 274 females (Pittsburgh, 2010). It appears that the Athletic Department is giving equivalent chances for male and female contenders, anyhow to a more terrific degree than comparative ACC schools. In the most recent 10 years, the amount of male and female members has never contrasted by more than 30 sportspeople in either bearing, and frequently switches between additional men and more ladies. While the $1.7 million aid is not to a great degree shocking, we are concerned by what amount of an expansion this is from past years(Keating, 2012). For instance, in 2010, when there were 16 more male members, the money was just $940,000, consistent with the report. In 2009, the year with the following

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I would like you to spend some time looking at images of this poster, Outline

I would like you to spend some time looking at images of this poster, and to note down your thoughts about it - Outline Example The use abstract shapes, rather than realistic shapes are also one of the ways that makes the image more effective. This is because; the different geometrical shapes that have been used can bring out different meanings only to the individuals who understand the shapes. Therefore, I believe that the abstract shapes are more effective as they inspire more individuals to view this image and dig deeper into the real meaning of the image. The use of abstract shapes also helps in keeping the image discrete. The choice of colors and shapes were well considered. The use of wedge shape due to the sharp edges brings out the perception of harm or danger as opposed to the circle which is more vulnerable to sharp objects. The use of red against white color also depicts one group being dangerous and the other being peaceful, therefore, the choice of colors and shapes have been used effectively. The shapes arrangement is also a great way of passing the message of some sort of conflict going on in the image. The smaller pieces add to more feel as they emphasize the larger wedge shape to be more dominant than the circle and other

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A critical assessment of the marketing challenges facing an Essay

A critical assessment of the marketing challenges facing an organisation of your choice and recommendations for the development of Competitive Advantage - Essay Example A close analysis of other companies that have survive during harsh market periods will help point out possible opportunities that Ryanair mas use to escape the looming threat. The research will end with workable recommendations that will provide strategies for Ryanair to survive within the market. In the 21st century business environment, companies have to stay on the alert in terms of aligning their business strategy with the ever-changing business environment. Particularly, the international airlines market has become sensitive with rapid changes in the economic structure, increase in competition and government regulation (Cento, 2009). Ryanair, one of the low-cost international airline operators in Europe, has faced a number of challenges while operating in the dynamic market. The purpose of this essay is to make an analysis of the competitive ability of the company, point out specific problems and develop strategic adaptations for the company. Marketing analysis is concerned with the ability of a company within a specific industry to position itself as a top service provider. Hubbard, Rice, & Beamish (2008, p.69) defined industry as, a group of organizations or business units producing close substitutes. â€Å"Market† is a word which use very closely to â€Å"Industry.† Perhaps the most frequent word use as a substitute to â€Å"industry.† However, â€Å"market† defined as a group of consumers with similar needs. (Hubbard, Rice, & Beamish, 2008, p. 97). Evidently, each organization has operates within a particular industry and has a specific target market. Within an industry, organizations compete as a way of appealing to their target customer to purchase their service and products. On the other hand, the customers choose organizations that best suit their needs and purchase from organizations that best satisfy their tastes and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organization Structure Essay Example for Free

Organization Structure Essay Tips: Or you can approach this way: 1. Briefly introduce the various organizational theories. 2. Mention that you will focus analysing two theories, where examples of principle and practice can be found from the case study, for the purpose of this task. Analyse how organizational theory underpins principles and practice of organizing and management. a. Briefly introduce the various organizational theories (Scientific management, classical administration and etc) b. Analyse in details the various organizational theories in terms of its principles and practice. ( Analysis: 1.Explain what they are, 2.describe their characteristics and under what circumstances each of them may be useful and 3.evaluate their strengths and weaknesses) c. Relate these theories, where appropriate and applicable, to the case study. d. Draw a short conclusion Tips: Or you can approach this way: 1. Briefly introduce the various organizational theories. 2. Mention that you will focus analysing two theories, where examples of principle and practice can be found from the case study, for the purpose of this task.1. Draw the organizational structures for both firms You should be able to see the differences of the two organizational structures: Tall and short hierarchical structure, narrow and wide span of management, specialization by geographic or functions or something else. These diagrams serve as the basis for you to do the following compare and contrast. 2. Compare and contrast the differences of organizational structures between the firms Based on the above diagrams, do the compare and contrast. Compare and contrast means you need to find out: * What are the things similar between the two companies? * What are the differences between the two companies? Sample answer for 2 a. Organizational structure Given the diagram, it is clear that both companies have a formal organizational structure. There are however differences between the two companies. First, Boss Ltd is taller than Agar in organizational hierarchy. (Plagarism is a serious offence. This content can be found at http://btechnd.blogpot.com/) This is due to the structure necessarily to support Boss Ltd’s geographical and product divisions that accommodate 400 more staff than Agar Ltd(Plagarism is a serious offence. This content can be found at http://btechnd.blogpot.com) . In contrast, Agar has a layer reporting hierarchy. Its line of command is shorter than that of Boss Ltd. Second, the span of management, in the case of Boss Ltd, is narrower than that of Agar. That being the case, a stronger degree of decentralised decision making is practised in Boss. Agar’s decision making mainly centralized to the CEO himself.

Outlining Career Goals Essay Example for Free

Outlining Career Goals Essay For this unit, you will write a 3-5 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) summarizing what you have learned about your chosen profession so far. It should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and use proper APA citations. Be sure you use the Writing Center and ask your instructor any questions before the assignment is due. See below for details. Incorporating your reading and research thus far in the course, write a 3-5 page paper (APA style), excluding title and reference pages, regarding your chosen profession. Your paper should include the following sections: overview of the profession educational requirements including any relevant certifications or credentials current issues relevant to your profession, summary of your career goals, and where you see yourself in 5 years. Your paper should include an introduction, topic sentence, supporting statements for each paragraph, and a conclusion. You will be graded not only on the content but your writing and format. Please see the project rubric located in the course syllabus. Outlining Career Goals Keyanna Retic Kaplan University Depending upon the size of the facility, location, and specialty, duties of a Medical assistant may vary. Medical assistant specialty is to complete all clinical tasks and administrative tasks in hospitals, physician offices, and other health care clinics. Their duties may include taking a patients vital signs and history, arranging appointments for patients, helping the physician with examinations, following physician orders and administering injections, and preparing blood samples for testing. When obtaining all the patients information, it is important for Medical Assistants to keep the patients information private and is not to be discussed with anyone but other physicians who are involved with the patients. They work in clean environments and relate with the patients, doctors and other medical professionals. Medical assistants are very busy and are required to complete a certain amount of tasks on a daily basis. They usually work 40 hours a week but some may work only part-time. There are different types of Medical Assistants and different duties depending on where the Medical Assistant practices. There are three types of medical assistants: administrative, specialized, and clinical. Administrative medical assistants are basically responsible for organizing all information in the facility. Specialized medical assistants deal with assisting in operating rooms, x-rays, help doctors administer eye care, instruct on contact lens usage, and work in all other types of specialized treatment centers. Clinical medical assistants mainly assist the doctors in the examination room and perform duties such as, drawing blood, administer medication, vital signs, change dressings, prep patients for x-rays and keeping work environment clean. Medical assistants have to learn how to multi-task. Sponsors believe that medical assistants are required to complete duties in a short period of time and learn how to keep up with all patients that they take care of and keep all important information all in the same hour. It may take some time getting used to but it is all a part of becoming a medical assistant. They also have to learn how to respond to the patients and keep in mind of the patients beliefs. There may come a time when medical assistants have to deal with mean and rude patients or even patients that are in a lot of pain, but that is why the medical assistant is there and certified for. Knowing how to deal with certain patients and their pain levels is a big priority in the medical field, so the best thing is to just have a mindset of calm and collective thoughts. Having the love and mindset for this job will make things so much easier and fun. I like anatomy and physiology. I like to read medical information and having the love in the medical field will help things run smooth and happy. On the job training is a faster way to become a medical assistant and it is possible to start a career in medical assisting that way although many people prefer to go through a training program or receive appropriate education. Typical medical assistant training programs lead to a degree or certificate, and last one or two years, respectively (QuinStreet, Inc, 2003-2012). The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) is medical assistant programs that the medical assistants go through to receive internships at clinics or hospitals. Medical terminology, physiology and anatomy, medical law, ethics, and patient relations are medical courses to be taken upon medical training. Keyboarding, record-keeping, accounting procedures, and insurance processing are office training courses. First aid, laboratory and clinical procedures, and administering medications are taught to students in the program. But although there is no national licensing requirements, depending on the state that the medical assistant decides to work in, medical assistants may have to receive a license to complete certain duties. One of several agencies certifies medical assistants and it is very important to get certified if medical assistants decide to apply for entry level positions. My first priority in starting my career as a medical assistant is to become certified first. Setting goals is one of the best methods that I can do in order to achieve and become a medical assistant. As a medical assistant, a goal that I would like to accomplish is getting involved in activities such as the American Association of Medical Assistants. The AAMA offer education opportunities so that medical assistants can enhance their educational skills and it offers seminars to attend. Getting involved in programs can help lead to career improvements and getting involved is another goal I have set for myself to push me forward. I would also like to become certified in different fields. The more fields I am certified in, the more money I will make and have more job duties to perform. As I move forward in my career, I will make it my goal to push myself harder into taking on high quality task and responsibilities. I will work extra hard to get promoted and receive other opportunities in my field, like becoming office manager. I am prepared to learn new things and enhance my knowledge. If any opportunities come my way, I am open and acceptable to anything. I am willing to put forth effort my success and stay dedicated as a medical assistant. I can see a clear picture of myself in a physician’s office putting my knowledge to work and doing what I love which is helping others. I can see myself advancing and making everyone proud. I know that it will take some time for me to complete all that I need to but in the end it will be worth the wait. In 5 years I hope to settle into an office where I know I will retire from and be happy. But the main thing for me is, that I will go with the flow and according to my facility I work in. I will just have to make wise decisions and keep my head up. I will never settle for less and work really hard and accept everything that I know I deserve. If trials and tribulations get in the way, I know that I will need to keep pushing forward. Medical assistants have to learn how to multi-task. They are required to complete duties in a short period of time and learn how to keep up with all patients that they take care of and keep all important information all in the same hour. It may take some time getting used to but it is all a part of becoming a medical assistant. They also have to learn how to respond to the patients and keep in mind of the patients beliefs. There may come a time when medical assistants have to deal with mean and rude patients or even patients that are in a lot of pain, but that is why the medical assistant is there and certified for. Knowing how to deal with certain patients and their pain levels is a big priority in the medical field, so the best thing is to just have a mindset of calm and collective thoughts. Having the love and mindset for this job will make things so much easier and fun. I like anatomy and physiology. I like to read medical information and having the love in the medical field will help things run smooth and happy. References QuinStreet, Inc. (2003-2012). Healthcare careers: Your information resource for education, training, and schools in the medical and allied healthcare fields. Retrieved from www.health-care-careers.org/medical-assistant-career-training.html Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Medical Assistant, on the Internet at www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/medical-assistants.htm Sponsors. (n.d.). Medical assisting career job and training information. Retrieved from www.awesomelibrary.org/medical-assisting-career.html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reviewing Who Killed Change

Reviewing Who Killed Change The book Who Killed Change is about change management. Through its interesting fable style, it teaches the managers of organizations how to cope with change successfully. The author, after analyzing all the change agents, concludes very appropriately that the same factors that lead to the death of organizations, if exercise their power rightfully, can help change thrive in the organizations. The story starts by describing a murder scene of yet another change. Agent Mike McNally, a Columbo-style detective, investigates the crime scene and makes a list of thirteen suspects that he thinks are the most commonly involved culprits in the murder of anyone with the last name Change. He interviews all the thirteen suspects in detail in order to resolve the case. The manner in which the author describes the suspects, personifies them and relates them to the cause of Changes death is quite engrossing. Their description clearly shows an irony between what they are and what they should have been as far as change implementation is concerned. Another important insight provided by the author while these suspects are being interviewed, is that most of them have to work in synchronization with each other, otherwise failure is inevitable. These murder suspects are described as follows and in all similar cases, they are always the same. Culture. Culture is the set of predominant values, beliefs and norms that define an organization. Culture plays a critical role in the entire change process. If change is to be implemented successfully, then managers should make sure that the existing culture in their organizations supports and sustains change, meanwhile detecting loopholes where existing culture is not aligned with the proposed change and taking corrective actions. Commitment.Commitment refers to the peoples motivation and willingness to change their behaviors as a result of a change initiative. This can be achieved only if people working in the organizations are informed about the change alongwith the knowledge as to how it will impact them. Any concerns regarding change should also be addressed and this is the responsibility of the leadership team. To make people see how change will affect their lives and how important it is for them to be committed, can only be achieved through a clear vision, and through proper planning that will integrate change in their daily routines. Sponsorship. Sponsorship is a senior leader who is responsible and authorized for using necessary resources like time, money and people, to ensure the timely implementation and eventual sustainability of change. The role of sponsorship is very important to the success of change in any organization and this role is not restricted to mere introduction of change, rather it involves the continuous support of the change sponsor and commitment of the leadership through reinforcement of change via accountability and incentives. Change leadership team. The change leadership team comprises of leaders who are close to the action and are responsible for managing and executing various change strategies on a day-to-day basis. After sponsorship, it is these leaders who can play a vital role in leading people through change. The author believes that it is important for this team to comprise of people who have successfully implemented some change, who are respected by their peers, who can communicate effectively, who have the right skill set to lead and who respect diverse viewpoints because they have worked at all levels both in formal and informal roles. Communication. The role of communication is to create a dialogue between those who want to bring about a change and those who will be asked to change. This dialogue should be consistent in its delivery irrespective of who is communicating, delivered through different media for effectiveness, and delivered by people who are known and well-respected. If communication regarding change is not effective, change will never survive. Urgency. Urgency is the need for people to understand the importance to change while accepting change. If they do not feel this urgency, they will accept the status quo and will make no considerable effort to change. The author believes that a sense of urgency is created only if leaders and leadership teams communicate with the people the gaps between what is what should be, provide them with credible reasons to change and more importantly motivate them to change by translating the sense of urgency into a cause. Vision. A vision is a clear and compelling picture that allows people to see how they will succeed after integrating change. A vision cannot be created successfully by the leaders alone. Just as people expect to be part of the change process, similarly everyone in the organization needs to share a vision as far as change and its positive impact is concerned. A sense of urgency should be created to break the monotony of routines and allow change to set in. Plan. Leading people effectively through change is only possible if the change is not only planned strategically and tactfully, but also steps are taken to implement the change. Looking at the bigger picture for too long reflects that change implementation is not on the priority list of the managers. Therefore effective planning for change should involve all the people who are likely to be affected; the resistors and the early adopters both; and should outline all necessary details required to implement the plan. Once outlined, the right infrastructure should be developed to support the change. Budget. Budget refers to the amount of money spent on change initiation. Unless the return on investment (ROI) is proportionate to the limited resources allocated for implementing change, financing change will always be difficult.For budgeting to be effective, it is important that the sponsors see the need and feel the urgency to bring about change and then allocate resources in the best possible way. Any necessary investments on infrastructure should not be withheld and managers should try to make the budget in the most cost-effective manner. Trainer. The role of a change trainer is very important as he is the one responsible for assessing people on whether they have the required skills to execute change and succeed. A trainer should be able to evaluate and address the concerns of the people expected to change by using a variety of change leadership strategies. He should possess the necessary expertise to mold with the situation and partner with the people of the organization in order to influence and increase their commitment to change. Incentive. Incentives are the reward and recognition people get when they bring about the desired change through their actions and behavior. Incentives do not necessarily mean monetary rewards. A lot many times, well-deserved recognition proves to be much more useful than mere money. The most important thing that the author has described as far as incentives are concerned is that different people need different incentives. Unless this is realized, employees will never embrace change willingly and effectively as their minds and hearts can only be tapped if it is known that what motivates them. Performance management.Performance management is the process through which goals and expectations are set regarding peoples behavior towards change by tracking their progress and providing feedback and guiding them on how to implement change. Accountability.Once goals and expectations are set, it is then through the process of accountability that followup is done as to whether peoples behaviors and results are in line with the goals. The act of accountability should ensure that managers walk the talk especially when behaviors and results do not match with the change initiatives. The role of accountability is very critical to the survival of change in any organization. Anyone, irrespective of their status and level in the hierarchy, should be held accountable for successful change implementation and managers should ensure two-way accountability where leaders and team members are partnered for performance. In addition to all the above-mentioned suspects, the author talks about four more characters, the stakeholders, and how they view the death of change. According to the stakeholders there are a number of barriers that are mostly ignored by the middle and senior level managers and only the front-line employees and supervisors are able to see them. For example, managers and leaders show resistance to new ideas even if employees see the need to implement them. Accountability occurs in the form of reprimanding workers for a job done bad rather than incentivizing them not to make errors. This also acts as a barrier to successful change implementation. When leaders do not walk the talk, employees are unable to feel the urgency to embrace change. Having described at length all factors that contribute towards the failure of change, the author solves the mystery in a very captivating way by making all the aforementioned characters responsible for the death of change. In the end he puts forth a series of questions that managers need to ask while undertaking change in their organization meanwhile applying the lessons of the story to real life situation. These questions will help the managers realize when a given change will be successful and when it might be at risk thereby helping them to design an action plan to address the risks to change. Critical Assessment of the Book Change can be successful only when the usual characters in an organization combine their unique talents and consistently involve others in initiating, implementing and sustaining change Ken Blanchard is a management guru who with his insightful, powerful and compassionate qualities has impacted the day-to-day management of people and companies more than anyone else. He is one of the most influential leadership experts in the world and has done some groundbreaking work in the fields of management and leadership. Ken is an expert storyteller who has an amazing knack for making seemingly complex matters easy to understand. Although there have been numerous books written on change management, yet it is the unorthodox style of presentation of Who Killed Change that makes it stand out. The authors, in a very fun and clever way, have highlighted the intricacies involved in organizational change and in the process have given some very important practical tips for managers of all types in organizations, both big and small. The study guide given at the end enables people to ask themselves some practical questions that will help them examine the change efforts that they are leading in their organizations. This study guide espouses the concepts of leading people through change, Blanchards hallmark program on Change Leadership, with the characters who conspired to kill change. The characters identified as suspects are unique in their names and descriptions, yet at the same time we can easily relate to them and spot them in any organization we work in. The most enthralling aspect of these characters, however, is that each one of their physical descriptions reflects flaws that became a cause of sabotaging change. For example, Clair Communication is suffering from Laryngitis. Change, unfortunately, cannot survive when communication in the organization is faulty and people who are advocates of change are not communicating with those who are resisting it. Another suspect, Victoria Vision, is myopic. If vision cannot see properly, how will it perform her role effectively? And this is what happens in organizations where change efforts do not succeed. The vision is so poor and weak that it is not transmitted to the concerned people and as a result, the desired outcome is not produced. Similarly, Carolina Culture is a small and unassuming character, whereas,for leading people through change, the culture of change needs to be so strong and distinguished that anybody, working at any level in the organization, is able to see and feel it. The role of Earnest Urgency is very critical in integrating change as a prioritymatter, however, it is always late and fails to instill in people the dire need to change. The plot of the story has been developed by John Britt, the senior co-author of Who Killed Change. John has been studying change for a long time and Ken Blanchard, alongwith his team of change experts, acquaints the readers with all the thirteen characters with reference to their organizational role, relationships and expectations and fits them together as pieces of a puzzle in the context of managing or murdering change.While doing so, however, the authors do tend to become a little too intense and forced. The notes shared by Agent McNally at the end of every chapter seem to stretch the description of the characters too far and one tends to lose interest in the story at this point. Although they help us see the picture of the murder from a neutral perspective, yet after having said so much in the chapters, they over-emphasize the details. Apart from this, I found the story very engrossing and the best part is the lessons it teaches about change on a subliminal level while making the reader enjoy the plot. Through the description and interrogation of each character, the author supports the fact that roughly 70% of change efforts in organizations fail as change is never easy. The practical questions given at the end of the book teaches all those people, who are even slightly authorized to initiate a change, how to identify and address the typical concerns that employees have regarding change as well as how to select an appropriate strategy to resolve these concerns. While writing the autopsy report of Changes death, the author has very pertinently highlighted three key assumptions regarding this murder. People leading the Change think that announcing it is the same as integrating it. Peoples concerns with Change are not surfaced or addressed. Those being asked to implement Change are not involved in the planning. These assumptions are true for all sorts of organizations and the lesson learnt is that anybody responsible for bringing about a change in the correct manner, should do so by consulting everyone and support and finance change with integrity and care. Only then will change thrive and sustain. Analysis and Evaluation of the Book Who Killed Change is a unique book on change management as it has lessons for leaders who are not just CEOs or regular managers but for everyone, be it supervisors, teachers, parents or even for anyone sitting at home. The common lesson for each of these people is how to take a concept or an idea and get it implemented in a way that people get committed and excited about it. This is what is ca-lled managing change and in todays world, each one of us has to be a manager of change. If we look carefully in the mirror around change efforts, we might find ourselves to be a suspect. In organizational settings, this book will help all the members of the organization to get familiar with change and eventually influence it. The lessons of the story are not restricted to any particular role in the organization. The way many organizations view change is that it is the responsibility of the leaders at the top to drive that change and while they certainly do have a role to play, the author and his team of change experts want leaders at all levels to be playing a role in bringing about change. Through this fun and clever murder mystery, the book teaches the managers to understand the dynamics operating in a company that kill change and assess whether it is a particular character like culture or vision, or is it some sort of leadership that has killed change. The managers need to realize that each of the dynamics in the organization has to work together for change to succeed. They just cant launch change through a marketing campaign and expect it to take root for people to embrace it. All the thirteen suspects are commonly found in any organization, and people can easily resonate with these characters, thereby making them even more real. Through their vivid descriptions, readers, whoever they are, can start thinking of the change they are involved in, the projects they are working on, and then develop a quick sense of how well the project is working and what are the areas for improvement. Who Killed Change is a useful book for small as well as large businesses as it introduces change in a fun way to all members of an organization while providing them with very practical tips on leading people through change. People do not resist so much to change as they resist to being controlled. Conclusion I would conclude this book review by applying the lessons of Who Killed Change to the educational institutions in our country. As mentioned above, each member of the organization is responsible for managing change. No doubt Principals and Head Teachers have a more important role to play in implementing and sustaining change, but teachers as classroom leaders are no less important. If a certain change is necessary for the very survival of the institution, then teachers should create the sense of urgency in a manner that leaders feel the need to implement it and then provide all necessary financial and moral support. This will show their commitment towards change. However, even if any one of the team members in the learning community fails to play its role, then it is eventually going to lead to the failure and death of change in the institution. Members of the staff will accept the status quo, and like Haw, a character in the well-known fable on organizational change, Who Moved My Che ese, they will never look for new opportunities and make no effort to change themselves as well as the institution as a whole. Hence the more united the vision of change is, the more successful the school will be in adopting the change.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Using Gopher to Navigate the Internet :: Internet World Wide Web WWW Protocol Gopher

GOPHER The Latest and Greatest on the Internet. In April 1991, Gopher was developed at the University at Minnesota Microcomputer, Workstation and Networks Center. It was created to help users fins answers to their computer questions. (Nickerson, 53) It didn’t take long for this utility to replace the existing campuswide information systems (CWIS) at the university AND to become one of the hottest Internet resources available. (Hahn, 429) Why is Gopher so Grand? This utility lets the end user easily locate information using keywords and phrases. In a few short years this has become the†most widely used searching tool on the Internet.† (Levin, 60) The annual growth rate for Gopher traffic is 997%! (Fun Facts, 50) Up until recently, this Internet protocol had been mainly used by the government and academics. But it has caught on and is being used for business and leisure purposes. If one is interested in the latest NFL scores, schedules and point spreads, they can easily access this information at News and Weather. Business administrators can learn more about total quality management (TQM) by visiting (Maxwell, 299 and 670) What is Gopher? The official definition of Gopher helps to explain what this utility is, â€Å" The Internet Gopher uses a simple client/server protocol that can be used to publish and search for information held on a distributed network of hosts. Gopher clients have a seamless view of the information in the Gopher world even though the information is distributed over many different hosts. Clients can navigate through a hierarchy of directories and documents [menus] or ask an index server to return a list of documents that contain one or more words. Because the index does full-text searches, every word in every document is a keyword.†(Milewski, 41) Using the client/server architecture is advantageous because the two connecting machines need to communicate with one another for a very short time. The server shuts down the connection once it has sent out the file to the client. (Notess, 101) Gopher is an attractive Internet search tool because it allows the user to traverse the network with one simple interface. Via Gopher, the neophyte can access more difficult Internet protocols, such as telnet, FTP, and email, in a seamless fashion. The end user can effortlessly select an FTP site from a menu and not have to remember the cumbersome FTP syntax or lengthy addresses. Accessing Gopher To access Gopher you need Internet access. To start, dial into an Internet-connected computer and type in gopher at the systems prompt. Using Gopher to Navigate the Internet :: Internet World Wide Web WWW Protocol Gopher GOPHER The Latest and Greatest on the Internet. In April 1991, Gopher was developed at the University at Minnesota Microcomputer, Workstation and Networks Center. It was created to help users fins answers to their computer questions. (Nickerson, 53) It didn’t take long for this utility to replace the existing campuswide information systems (CWIS) at the university AND to become one of the hottest Internet resources available. (Hahn, 429) Why is Gopher so Grand? This utility lets the end user easily locate information using keywords and phrases. In a few short years this has become the†most widely used searching tool on the Internet.† (Levin, 60) The annual growth rate for Gopher traffic is 997%! (Fun Facts, 50) Up until recently, this Internet protocol had been mainly used by the government and academics. But it has caught on and is being used for business and leisure purposes. If one is interested in the latest NFL scores, schedules and point spreads, they can easily access this information at News and Weather. Business administrators can learn more about total quality management (TQM) by visiting (Maxwell, 299 and 670) What is Gopher? The official definition of Gopher helps to explain what this utility is, â€Å" The Internet Gopher uses a simple client/server protocol that can be used to publish and search for information held on a distributed network of hosts. Gopher clients have a seamless view of the information in the Gopher world even though the information is distributed over many different hosts. Clients can navigate through a hierarchy of directories and documents [menus] or ask an index server to return a list of documents that contain one or more words. Because the index does full-text searches, every word in every document is a keyword.†(Milewski, 41) Using the client/server architecture is advantageous because the two connecting machines need to communicate with one another for a very short time. The server shuts down the connection once it has sent out the file to the client. (Notess, 101) Gopher is an attractive Internet search tool because it allows the user to traverse the network with one simple interface. Via Gopher, the neophyte can access more difficult Internet protocols, such as telnet, FTP, and email, in a seamless fashion. The end user can effortlessly select an FTP site from a menu and not have to remember the cumbersome FTP syntax or lengthy addresses. Accessing Gopher To access Gopher you need Internet access. To start, dial into an Internet-connected computer and type in gopher at the systems prompt.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Fashion In The 20th Century Essay -- History Clothing Style Fashion Es

Fashion In The 20th Century Fashion is said to be evolutionary and not revolutionary. This was not true in the 20th century. Fashion revolutionized America and the rest of the world during this time period. Also, during this time period fashion evolved tremendously. New fabrics and innovations were introduced to America. When World War I came about, people had to sacrifice their clothing for the men at war and they dressed more conservative. Christian Dior changed all of that when he came out with the â€Å"New Look.† This look consisted of draped gowns with a lot of fabric being used. What Christian Dior was basically saying was that we should not have to sacrifice how we dress. In the 20th century, new synthetic fibers were invented, making new fabrics come to life like rayon and polyester. New technology changed many different ways we made our garments toward printing and construction. Of course the 20th century started out in the 1900’s. The silhouette of the female was made up of the pigeon-breasted bosom, tiny corseted waist, and full, swayback hips. There were many common designs in this era. One was a white, high-necked, trimmed cotton blouse with a heavier, dark shirt. Another was tailor-made jackets and skirts for working women. Most of the fabrics available were mostly natural fibers like cotton, silk, linen, and wool. Daywear was most often in shades of white, brown, and black, commonly in a small figured or floral print. Eveningwear consisted of lightweight silks in sometimes brighter solids or light-colored hazy prints. In this particular period, fancy trim meant status. Trim was very excessive as possible on shoulders, waist, and the lower half of the skirt. Items used included were lace, embroidery, jet beading, flowers, ribbon, and net. All of the hemlines reached the floor. Sergers were first introduced in this era. In 1910, most of the influence for fashion came from designer Paul Poiret and Eastern influence. Daywear silhouette included a head-to-ankle coverage with lowered necklines for the first time ever in decades. The primary silhouette was a straight, squarish outline with low hips. Common designs were long, ethnic influenced tunics with a skirt and waist sash, and horizontal layered appearance in skirt or vertical wrap effect on tailored jacket-and-skirt sets and dresses. Rayon was invented and used. Also used wer... ...isure to eveningwear, but natural fibers were still used with the organic flower child look. Loud and clashing colors were now in everyday fashion prints, from conservative to wild. Swirling psychedelic prints, dotted with flowers, medallions, and geometric shapes were popular. There was widespread use of designer names and labels as an incentive to shoppers, marketing everything from clothing to luggage with designers such as Geoffrey Beene and Christian Dior. No matter what decade or century you are in, fashion is going to change. People make fashion change and evolve through the decades with different events that happen. Early on, it was the designers who decided what men and women wore. Through the decades it became evident that we should choose and decide what we should wear to incorporate our environment. Women basically decided that they were the rulers of fashion and that they make fashion what it is today. Why shouldn’t they choose? Of course fashion is here to stay, so, I wonder what we would be wearing in the 22nd century? Sources Cited: Vintage Vixen Clothing Co. Fashion History. 1997-2005. Vintage Vixen. 20 Apr. 2005. http://www.vintagevixen.com/history

Atlas Shrugged - Iser and Bakhtin on the Closed Text Essay -- Atlas Sh

Atlas Shrugged - Iser and Bakhtin on the Closed Text The process of reading places the author, text, and reader into a dynamic relationship in which, through a fusion of the author's literary vision and the reader's creativity, the text is transformed into an informative and enjoyable experience. This process is especially apparent in the novel form. As the theorist Wolfgang Iser states, a novel must be "conceived in such a way that it will engage the readers imagination in the task of working things out for himself, for reading is only a pleasure when it is active and creative" (Iser 51). Similarly, another theorist and philosopher, Mikhail Bakhtin, argues that within a novel an author creates numerous different voices and languages, each of which contributes to the dynamic reading process; every word and sentence has a context both inside and outside of the novel. Though there are many other theories regarding reader-response, these two form a cohesive definition of the process: Iser's theory broadly explains the interaction-or inter section-of the three components in the process, while Bakhtin's theory explains the specific subjectivity of the novel language. Both of these theories, however, rely on the basic assumption that all texts are intended to be interpretable; that is, in the words of Umberto Eco, that all texts are 'open'. Eco describes an 'open' text as one that attempts to force the reader "into an interplay of stimulus and response which depends on his unique capacity for sensitive reception of the piece" (Eco 49). In essence, an open text invites the reader to fuse his own unique experiences with that of the text to form an interpretation that is his own. Conversely, Eco also describes an antithesis to the... ...tes reader anticipation. Thus, one must conclude that while Eco's theory is fascinating and may very well have a solid basis outside of the novel form, it is impossible for a novel to be closed; though the author's intentions bay be set in stone, the reader's intentions certainly never will be. A novel, by virtue of being a novel, will always be more open than closed. Works Cited Bakhtin, Mikhail. The Diologic Imagination. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. Eco, Umberto. The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979. Iser, Wolfgang. "The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach." Published in Tompkins, Jane P. ed., Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism. Maryland: John Hopkins UP, 1980. Rand, Ayn. Atlas Shrugged. New York: Penguin Books USA, Inc., 1957. Â  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Of Airtel & Grameenphone Essay

1. Introduction The introduction of the telecommunication sector has been pretty late in Bangladesh compared to that of the neighboring countries. The mobile telecommunication service has been doubling on an annual basis over the last two or three years. Now-a-days there are six mobile phone operators in the country with – Grameen phone, Robi, Teletalk, Banglalink, Airtel and Citycell. They are offering different new package and offers different value added services to satisfy the customers ‘demands. Customer satisfaction is a fundamental marketing construct in the last three decades. In the past, it was unpopular and unaccepted concept because companies thought it was more important to gain new customers than retain the existing ones. However, in this present decade, companies have gained better understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and adopted it as a high priority operational goal. Customer satisfaction, a term frequently us ed in marketing, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as â€Å"the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals. People in Bangladesh are becoming busy day by day and more professional than previous. They need to share more information to each other because demography has changed due to the era of globalization. Mobile phone has introduced a tremendous change in the communication sector in our country. It has changed the communication structure also. People in various occupations and income levels are using mobile phone intensively for their occupational purpose and personal purpose as well. 1.1 Basic information The telecom sector of Bangladesh began its journey with land phone. Then SEBA was the first company to bring cellular telephone services. The telecom sector has completely changed both in terms of coverage and efficiency of services. Cellular telephone services have achieved great commercial success. For most firms, the preeminent goal is to maximize the value of the  firm for its owners or shareholders. Increasing competition (whether for-profit or nonprofit) is forcing businesses to pay much more attention to satisfy customers. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables, which correlate with satisfaction behaviors. For this majority of the firms is trying to be a customer-oriented, customer- focused, or even-customer driven enterprise. Airtel is one of the late movers in telecommunication sector of Bangladesh. And like all other telecom companies, it is trying hard to penetrate the market and get a hold of significant market share t hrough their valued customers. 1.2 Background information Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. is a GSM-based cellular operator in Bangladesh.Airtel is the sixth mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market, andoriginally launched commercial operations under the brand name â€Å"WaridTelecom† on May 10, 2007. Warid Telecom International LLC, an Abu Dhabi basedconsortium, sold a majority 70% stake in the company to India’s Bharti AirtelLimited for US$300 million. Bharti Airtel Limited took management control of thecompany and its board, and rebranded the company’s services under its ownAirtel brand from December 20, 2010. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission approved the deal on Jan 4, 2010. Grameenphone widely known as GP, is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh. With more than 46.04 million subscribers (as of September 2013), Grameenphone is the largest mobile phone operator in the country. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor and Grameen Telecom Corporation, a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed microfinance organization and community development bank Grameen Bank. Telenor, the largest telecommunications company in Norway, owns 55.8% shares of Grameenphone, Grameen Telecom owns 34.2% and the remaining 10% is publicly held. Grameenphone was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh. It also established the first 24-hour Call Center to support its subscribers. With the slogan Go Beyond, Grameenphone promises its customers to bring the best of communication technologies so that they can Go Beyond. 1.3 Objective of the report The objective of the report is divided into two parts. They are specific and  broad objectives. The specific and broad objective of this report is given below: 1. Broad Objective: The broad objective of this report is to find out the customer satisfaction level of Airtel & Grameenphone customers. 2. Specific Objectives: The specific objectives will be To find out specific areas of satisfaction of Airtel & Grameenphone users To figure out specific areas of dissatisfaction of Airtel & Grameenphone users To know the overall satisfaction level of the customers To figure out possible improvement sectors to reduce dissatisfaction To know the better service provider between this two companies 1.4 Literature Review Airtel is the 6th mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market and launched commercial operation on May 10, 2007. India’s bharti Airtel limited bought 70% share of Warid telecom international. This is the largest investment in Bangladesh made by an Indian company. Airtel offers both prepaid and postpaid connections with lots of diversified packages to its customers. It also offers massive value added services to its subscribers. Below is a description of timeline of Warid Telecom in Bangladesh, Bharti Airtel and its taking over Warid: In December 2005, Warid Telecom International paid US$ 50 million to obtain a GSM license from the BTRC and became the sixth mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. In a press conference on August 17, 2006, Warid announced that its network would be activated two months ahead of schedule, in October, 2006. Again in October, 2006 Warid Telecom put off the launch of its cell phone services in Bangladesh until April, 2007 after its major supplier Nokia walked out on an agreement over a payment dispute. Warid had a soft launch at the end of January 2007. It gave away complimentary subscriptions among a selected group of individuals, whose job was to make ‘test calls’ and the operator adjusted its network’s quality based on their comments. On May 9, 2007, Warid in an advertisement in some daily newspaper stated that it would be launching publicly on May 10, 2007. However, no call rate or any package details were revealed. The advertisement included an announcement for the people interested to buy Warid connections to bring the documents like ID card, etc., to the  designated franchise and customer care centers. On October 1, 2007, Warid Telecom expanded its network to five more districts raising total number of districts under Warid coverage to 56, said a press release. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Rajbari and Narail towns were covered by Warid network. On November 10, 2007, 61 districts under Warid network coverage. On June 10, 2008, Warid Telecom expanded its network to 3 more districts Bandarban, Khagrachhari and Rangamati. Now all 64 districts of Bangladesh are under Warid network coverage meaning Warid Telecom now has nationwide coverage. On December 20, 2010, Warid Telecom was rebranded to Airtel. Bharti Airtel Limited is commonly known as Airtel. It is an Indian telecommunications company that operates in 20 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. It operates a GSM network in all countries, providing 2G, 3G and 4G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the third largest telecom operator in the world with over 243.336 million customers across 20 countries as of March 2012. It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with over 181 million subscribers at the end of March 2012. Airtel is the third largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom. Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It offers its telecom services under the Airtel brand, and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve Cisco Gold Certification. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. Airtel is known for being the first mobile phone company in the world to outsource all of its business operations except marketing, sales and finance. Its network—base stations, microwave links, etc.—is maintained by Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Network and Huawei, and business support is provided by IBM, and transmission towers are maintained by another company (Bharti Infratel Ltd. in India). Ericsson agreed for the first time to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front, which allowed Airtel to provide low call rates. Bharti Airtel began its journey in Bangladesh in December 2010 when it acquired 70 percent stock  of Warid Telecom of Abu Dhabi Group. So, it can be said that Airtel Bangladesh has just completed its maiden year in the country. And within this period of time, the operator has also created a vast job opportunity in diverse segments of the organization and as of August 2013, Airtel Bangladesh has 7.97 million subscribers with 7.3% of market share. Before Grameenphone’s inception, the phone was for a selected urbanized few. The cell phone was a luxury: a flouting accessory for the select elite.The mass could not contemplate mobile telephony as being part of their lives. Grameenphone started its journey with the Village Phone program: a pioneering initiative to empower rural women of Bangl adesh. The name Grameenphone translates to â€Å"Rural phone†. Starting its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. Grameenphone pioneered the then breakthrough initiative of mobile to mobile telephony and became the first and only operator to cover 98% of the country’s people with network The idea of providing universal mobile phone access throughout Bangladesh, including its rural areas, was originally conceived by Iqbal Quadir, who is currently the founder and director of the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT. He was inspired by the Grameen Bank microcredit model and envisioned a business model where a cell phone can serve as a source of income. After leaving his job as an investment banker in the United States, Quadir traveled back to Bangladesh, after meeting and successfully raising money from New York based investor and philanthropist Joshua Mailman, and worked for three years gaining s upport from various organizations including Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus of Grameen Bank and the Norwegian telephone company, Telenor. He was finally successful in forming a consortium with Telenor and Grameen Bank to establish Grameenphone. Quadir remained a shareholder of Grameenphone until 2004. Grameenphone received a license for cellular phone operation in Bangladesh from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on November 28, 1996. Grameenphone started operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day in Bangladesh. Grameenphone originally offered a mobile-to-mobile connectivity (widely known as GP-GP connection), which created a lot of enthusiasm among the users. It became the first operator to reach the million subscriber milestone as well as ten million subscriber milestone in Bangladesh. Since its inception Grameenphone has built the  largest cellular network in the country with over 8500 base stations . Presently, nearly 99 percent of the country’s population is within the coverage area of the Grameenphone network. Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and servi ces in the local telecom market. GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997. Grameenphone was also the first telecommunication operator in Bangladesh to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour Call Center, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services. In October 2013 the company launched 3G services commercially. The entire Grameenphone network is 3G/EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed Internet and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. There are currently over 7 million 3G/EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone network. Today, Grameenphone is the leading and largest telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh with more than 47.64 million subscribers as of January 2014. Grameenphone has so far invested more than BDT 24,300 crore to build the network infrastructure Grameenphone is one of the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed more than BDT 35,500 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. There are now more than 1600 GP Service Desks across the country covering nearly all upazilas of all districts and 94 Grameenphone Centers in all the divisional cities Grameenphone has about 5000 full and temporary employees. 300,000 people are directly dependent on Grameenphone for their livelihood, working for the Grameenphone dealers, retailers, scratch card outlets, suppliers, vendors, contractors and others. In this report we tried to discuss the comparative analysis of Airtel 7 Grameenphone over the customers. 2. Research Method 2.1 Data sources †¢ There are two types of data sources are used to obtain the required information. 2.1.1 Primary Data †¢ Direct interview though a survey questionnaire 2.1.2 Secondary data †¢ Commercial websites of Airtel & Grameenphone †¢ Online articles on telecommunication sector †¢ Previously conducted research papers on different issues of telecommunication Company‟s magazines, brochures, etc. 2.2. Method of collecting data 2.2.1 Selecting Sample The population of this study are customers of Airtel Bangladesh & Grameenphone and we took interview 120 person of different age group in our study. We targeted different people from different age group. The target population were divided among following age groups- 18-30 years – 60 30-50 years – 30 50-70 years – 20 70- above years – 10 2.2.2 Procedure of data collection After determining the target population and sampling frame we were looking forward to conduct the survey for collecting the information. As our extent of the target population was preplanned and structured, therefore, we did not have any trouble to collect the information from the fieldwork. Whenever we found a student who was sitting idle or gossiping with their friends we went to them, cordially introduced ourselves and asked them whether they were using airtel or GP. After receiving a positive response, we provided a questionnaire form and asked them to participate in the survey. Fortunately, no one denied participating in the survey because it did not take more than four minutes to finish. Moreover, every respondent was looking enthusiastic in taking part and some of them were very cooperative and supportive. They also assisted us to find out active airtel & GP users. By this way, we collected data from 100 respondents. Rest 20 set of questionnaires were given to my friends and t he neighbors who were the Airtel or GP users. 2.2.3 Method of analyzing data After completing the research survey, we started the data preparation for the project. As soon as we received the questionnaires from the field I kept all the information in Microsoft Excel program. Since, this is a descriptive  research and the data analysis should be done quantitatively. For this reason, we used MS Excel software because we have enough insights of using this program. In the beginning portion of the questionnaire, there were some general questions to aware of the some information about the respondents, for instances, gender, age, duration of the network age and some direct question related to their usage pattern. This information is analyzed collectively rather than individually. Here, no statistical tools have been used. The next section of the questionnaire contains 13 statements. Each of the statements has been arranged in such a way which is directly related to the customer satisfaction factors. 2.3 Limitations of the study The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. Hence 100% accuracy can’t be assured. The researcher was carried out in a short span of time, where in the researcher could not widen the study. The study could not be generalized due to the fact that researcher adapted personal interview method. It is so difficult to survey questionnaire among target samples. 3. Result & Discussions: Findings 3.1. Findings on respondents’ analysis The general analysis of the 120 samples is presented in this section. The main objective of the respondents‟ analysis is to get the overview about respondents. Here, respondent‟s gender, age limit, duration of their network, and usage pattern, etc. have been discussed briefly. There is no statistical tool used to analysis the respondent’s overview because this information will not affect directly to the customer satisfaction factors. For collecting data from the field, the research survey has been conducted among 80 male and 40 female users of airtel & GP users. Thus, the ratio of male user is 60% and the ratio of female user is 40%. We have conducted the research on 18-30 years – 60 30-50 years – 30 50-70 years – 20 70- above years – 10 From this scenario, it can be said that most of the airtel is more polular in  urban areas & in young generation. There were also two direct questions asked to the respondents to know the reason of using Airtel and to know which of the value added services are used by the respondents. Research findings show that 40% of the respondents use airtel only for the lower cost. 20% of the respondents use airtel for the highest FnF benefits. 10% of the respondents said they are using airtel for low on-net tariffs. 30% of the respondents use GP for network, voice quality and for the brand image. 3.2 Findings on questionnaire analysis 1. How many sim do you use? Most of the respondents use 1 sim. Rest others use 2 sims for various purposes. 2. Which company’s sim you are using now? Most of the respondents use Airtel. Those who use 2 sims, they have Grameenphone, teletalk, Robi & Banglalink sim. 3. What is the reason behind of your choice? Most of the Airtel users use Airtel for the lower call rate. Grameenphone users use it for better network & service. 4. Who is following better business strategy? Most of the Airtel users think Airtel is following better business strategy at this moment to attract new young generation. Grameenphone users think GP should obtain more attractive business strategy to retain the existing customers as well as draw interest to new customers. 5. Who provides more facility for their customers? In this question, most of them think Grameenphone is providing more facilities to its customers. With their network, service & customer care outlet around the country Grameenphone is far better than Airtel. 6. Who is more responsible for social welfare?  Most of the respondents expressed that being the most popular & largest telecom company, Grameenphone is contributing more for social welfare of Bangladesh. 7. Call Rate  Most of the respondents are satisfied with the call rate of Airtel. Few of them think it is moderate. On the other hand, most of the respondents think call rate of Grameenphone is highly expensive. They are dissatisfied with this. 8. Service.  In service issue, most of the respondents feel moderate with the Airtel service but Grameenphone have many satisfied clients in this regard. 9. Network.  In network issue, Airtel has dissatisfied customers. The respondents are not satisfied at all with the striggling network of Airtel. On the other hand Grameenphone is reigning the telecom scenario with their operative network. 10. Bonus Offer.  The respondents are satisfied with the endless bonus offers of Airtel. Most of them are agreed with that. Contrariwise Grameenphone’s bonus offers are not so much satisfactory to its clients. 11. Bundle Offer.  Most of the respondents are satisfied with the bundle offers of Airtel. A small number of them are moderate with that. Inversely the bundle offers of Grameenphone are dissatisfactory to its clients. 12. Which company’s sim you will suggest for using to your friends? 60% of the respondents told that they will suggest Airtel sim to their friends. Rest of them stated that they will recommend Grameenphone to their friends. 3.3 Best According to Customers 3.4 Reasons of the First Choice: Grameenphone 3.5 Reasons of the First Choice: Airtel 3.6 Competitive Advantage of Grameenphone & Airtel 3.7 Customers Recommendations In the respondent‟s opinion and suggestion section, 12 respondents did not put any opinion. However, rest 108 of the respondents shared their valuable opinion regarding Airtel & Grameenphone services and those are given below accordingly: Most of the respondents suggested Airtel to upgrade its network coverage as soon as possible. The also suggested Grameenphone to reduce the  call rate. Some respondents also suggested to: Stop sending unwanted SMS Reduce VAS tariffs Increase the validity for bonus talk time Offer attractive handset bundle package